Bioenergetically structured water, which protects from aggressive environments, helps to regain beauty, provides well-being, is coded for luck – we do not want to get too excited, but there seems to be a safe way to eternal youth, happiness and a better life. All that is needed is water structured by the hands of healer Aldis Ķeviņš. Our research team could not sit still, so we went to find out more.
Structured water – the pinnacle of genius or complete nonsense?
Information about water went to the healer’s website , which contains more information about the possibilities and prices of his products. It includes both structured water bottles for over ten euros, a whole treatment of negative energy eliminating baths for several hundred, and the author’s book ‘Div-Dabis’ for 40 euros. It is not a cheap pleasure, but, as indicated on the website, Ķeviņš knows what he is doing – he has been changing the structure of any water at any distance since 1980, as well as his customers are even in South Africa, Australia, Dubai, USA and elsewhere in the world. It is also possible to order a structured bath via telephone – the process involves the customer sitting in his water tank, while the healer verbally structures the water through a loudspeaker.

Structured water – the pinnacle of genius or complete nonsense?
Of course, we were so captivated by the new discovery that a few days later a structured water ‘Eko Forte’ bottle stood on the editorial board, the task of which is to protect the skin from the aggressive environment, regain its beauty and provide well-being. Unfortunately, Ķeviņš’s offer did not include the water ‘Magic Eye’ during our visit, but, as the structurer himself pointed out, both waters are equally powerful – indirectly ‘Eko Forte’ is ‘coded’ so as to bring good luck.

Structured water – the pinnacle of genius or complete nonsense?
It seems that with success, Ķeviņš is all right, because the location is also quite polite for him, being on the top floor of an exclusive office building. There is also a bottle next to the secretary, because it just makes you feel better. We look with some skepticism at the idea that structuring water could bring success to someone without Ķeviņš himself, but let’s not say anything before we have checked it yet. After all, has two important things at its disposal – time and structured water.

Structured water – the pinnacle of genius or complete nonsense?
By purchasing two packages of structured water for 28 euros, we also received a book for 40 euros in the bonus, so we can consider ourselves real winners – taking into account the total amount of the transaction, we find that we have remained in surplus for 12 euros. It seems that water has already begun to generously share the success encoded in it. Structuring water is obviously a very complicated process, because the Ķeviņš website and the story tend to raise suspicions of such contradictions, but we write it down to our incompetence – we do not claim that we can remotely change the crystal lattice of any water body by calming it from ‘nervous vibration’.

Structured water – the pinnacle of genius or complete nonsense?
When starting to actively use structured water, spraying it both directly on and around, the only change that has observed is related to the inability of the surrounding people to take the owner of structured water seriously. However, realizing that a week of active use is not enough, progress will be reported.


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